Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sociology for Philosophy and Human Rights- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theSociology for Philosophy, Revolution and Human Rights. Answer: The essay is based on the philosophical revolution that takes place in the transformation of society. Revolution causes fundamental changes in the political as well as in the organisations that exist in societies. Philosophical revolutions can also be considered as a social revolution as it helps in bringing about changes in the ways in which society works (Ben-Yami, 2015). The essay focuses on certain famous quotations of great scholars in the field of sociology and identifies the reasons behind the existence of the concept in the modern world. The word 'right' should be excluded from political language, as the word 'cause' from the language of philosophy (, 2017). Auguste Comte who believed that political language does not have anything that is can be considered as correct quoted the famous line mentioned above. Similarly, philosophy can be considered as a language that does not consist of the word cause. This is mainly because political factors and rules of a society give rise to the philosophies. According to Hall (2014), the difference of opinion does not have to give rise to conflicts that take place in a society. Hence, in the modern world, the application of this thought can be attributed to the number of philosophies that exist in organisations. A particular society provides certain rules within the society that leads to the rise of the philosophical concepts. The revolution that takes place is done within the society in order to provide an opportunity for improving the society. Thus, this can be useful in modern day in order to understand the philosophical entities that exist in the society. In this regard, another famous quote made by Karl Marx can be analysed. Karl Marx quoted that Revolutions are the locomotives of history (, 2017). The statement clearly defines the fact that in order to change history revolutions are necessary. The revolutions can come in the form social, technical, political as well as philosophical. As stated by Israel (2013), revolutions take place in order to promote changes from the existing policies. The changes can be considered as positive or negative depending upon the impact it has on the society. Hence, in the modern world, revolution is needed in order to develop in the society. A backward society can result in the underdevelopment of a society and its people. This can cause problems in employment and lifestyle as the modern world has come a long way from traditional practices. According to Marcuse (2015), philosophical revolution can help in the complete change from one constitution to another. The policies of a society and its philosophical approaches change due to the existence of the new set of rules. Hence, in the modern world, the application of philosophical revolution can help in modernising society. Hence, it can be concluded that sociologists and social scholars have ensured that knowledge about societies and its improvements are spread on a worldwide basis. Although it can be argued that, the observations made by the scholars date back in the ancient days, the application can be applied in the modern days. Philosophical revolution can help in bringing about changes in the society by the application of philosophies. The various branches of philosophy can promote the modernisation of the society and help it to revolutionise itself in the modern world. Hence, philosophical revolution is important in order to make improvements in a society. Reference Ben-Yami, H. (2015).Descartes' Philosophical Revolution: A Reassessment. Springer. (2017) Retrieved 24 October 2017, from Hall, A.R., (2014).The revolution in science 1500-1750. Routledge. Israel, J. (2013).Democratic enlightenment: philosophy, revolution, and human rights 1750-1790. Oxford University Press. Marcuse, H. (2015).Eros and civilization: A philosophical inquiry into Freud. Beacon Press.

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